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[29] Artist: Donnimon | Title: Masaru... not Marcus. O_x | Time: 1h 4m
Pic #25

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Donnimon @ Friday, October 5th 2007, 7:52 PM
Too much time was taken away because 1: I don't know what to do with the rest of it, and 2: Data Squad was on. Need to finish up, but right now is studying for SAT time. *shot*
Done with mouse. That was one thing I liked about MS Paint, that after you use the curve tool, the picture doesn't come out wobbly. Oekaki is pretty fresh and new to me, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

(Edited on October 5, 2007, 9:09 pm)
Splash @ Thursday, October 11th 2007, 7:14 AM
I have wobbly problems anyway, so I doubt I have anything helpful to say XDDD Eeee, I'm glad to see you here :D Masaru /o/

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